Press Coverage
Digital Journalism
"A hard-edged game about Brutalism & inescapable architectural detail" - Cameron Kunzelman, Waypoint
"It's beautifully made (Fugue in Void) & almost every screenshot you take from it would serve as inspiration for a bleak post-apocalyptic or science fiction novel" - Alice Bell, Rock Paper Shotgon
"A short surreal trippy artsy experience" - Raphael Colantonio, Co-Creative Director at Arkane Studios | Dishonored
"Fugue in Void reimagines the cocoon of Brutalism as an apocalyptic desire, a death-drive which insulates its subject from confronting the megalithic corpses that line the horizon."
- Justin Keever, Heterotopias
"The other day in level design class, a student brought up Moshe Linkes 'Brutalism: Prelude on Stone' for discussion. What does it mean to re-create / re-construct / build a brutalist building in a video game?" - Robert Yang
"Shows the strengh of a singular vision, unrestrained by petty conventions & not pasteurized by focus groups or design committees" - Save or Quit
"Fugue in Void is a great game and a great representative of its genre, so if you like the genre, you will also like the game." - MASKINKULTUR
"An isolating nightmare about a universe with no answers or a calm, solitary reflection on the human mind?" - Ewan Wilson, The games EDGE
"Moshe Linke’s works ooze style and confidence. His love for both Blade Runner and brutalism is self evident both in his pieces and in this very interview." - Pip Writes Stuff
"It’s a work which seems intimately concerned with the fragility of the self in relation to the other: tensions between the two permeate every surface of the game’s inhuman and often uncomfortably alien spaces, and always, there is the sense that at any moment, everything is on the verge of folding in on itself — less an act of momentous collapse than a slow but certain erasure through erosion." - Spencer Yan, Medium
"In manchen Welten ist das Rennen einfach sinn- und zwecklos, weil nichts am Ende wartet. Stattdessen sollte man sich der Langsamkeit hingeben, um einen Spaziergang durch eine Welt voller Kuriositäten und Ambivalenzen zu wagen. Genau das ist es, was Wonders between Dunes vollbringt: Es offeriert all jenen, die es spielen, eine Welt voller Rätsel, die ungelöst bleiben wollen." - Sebastian Standke, VGT
"Diese ständig wechselnde Welt, irgendwo zwischen DeChirico und M.C. Escher, zwischen Jorge Luis Borges, David Lynch und William Gibson - und sehr Moshe Linke." - Merzmensch