Moshe Linke @ A MAZE. / Berlin
The Marble Guestbook
A MAZE. / 2019
The Marble Guestbook is a virtual, interactive art installation I made in collaboration with Thomas Newlands for A Maze. 2019 in Berlin.
We exhibited the installation for the duration of A Maze. which ran from April 10th-13th. During the festival, visitors came by and wrote their personal message and name down. Their message would be stored in a marble and dropped into the installation. Marbles dropped in the installation stayed there until the end of the A Maze. Festival.
Visitors created over 500 unique marbles during the festival.
It was very interesting to see people interact with the installation. I took some notes:
The fact that the personal message is exposed/projected on a big canvas was maybe intimidating for some people during the interaction. Some people felt a feeling of pressure. Coming up with a clever text and writing it visible for everybody. Other visitors are watching from behind. It is an intimate interaction. This also helped minimize profane writing. Visitors where shy at first and just walked by several times, watching others interact. Individuals who come in groups tend to be less shy during the interaction. It was almost like they had to perform. Being creator themselves.
Nominee - Humble New Talent Award
A MAZE. / 2019
I was nominated for the 2nd Humble New Talent Award.
The Humble New Talent Award highlights important new voices in the culture of games. Nominees are chosen by A MAZE. and will not be awarded for one game, but their work and thoughts in general.
Virtual A MAZE./ Space
A MAZE. / 2020 - 2023
During the Pandemic A MAZE. / Berlin faced new challanges and was forced to find solutions regarding social distancing policies. A virtual, online space was born in order to keep the A MAZE./ Family and Fans connected during this difficult time.
I had the honor to create the virtual environment and architecture for this exciting project. The festival director Thoresten S. Wiedemann and I chose one of my previous brutalist works to be the raw architecture for the virtual festival. This is how Neo-Brutalism of Tomorrow became the new face of the virtual A MAZE./ HYPER HYBRID edition and was shining in a new, colorful light.
The A MAZE. / SPACE is a 3D Multiplayer Culture Experience, where the visitors can interact with games, digital art, and other adventurous media. This space invites you to a constantly fresh curated program of live-streamed talks, music performances, games, and art exhibitions in collaboration with art institutions, festivals, thinkers, and curators.
Virtual Brutalism Talk - A MAZE./ 2022
A MAZE. / 2022
A conversation between me and digital designer Gili Ron about digital environments, Utopias and Dystopias.

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All Guestbook Entries - A MAZE. 2019
Michel, I am the first., 2019-04-10T16:04:00
Duncan, What side of the street do you drive on, 2019-04-10T18:13:09
Robin, Have fun at A MAZE!, 2019-04-10T18:14:23
Stephen, What is the most orange thing question mark, 2019-04-10T18:15:01
Anders L B, This is my note, 2019-04-10T18:15:26
Rainer, Here for the 8th time ... stay indie, 2019-04-10T18:18:25
eli, happy amaze ya'll :), 2019-04-10T18:24:02
Amit Rai, Everything is just a case of time & pressure, right?, 2019-04-10T18:30:38
Timmy, Marbles are AMAZEing, 2019-04-10T18:33:25
Liyi, AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYze, 2019-04-10T18:35:01
RON, We <3 A AMZE., 2019-04-10T18:36:57
ramon, have fun yall, 2019-04-10T18:37:52
Tilman, <3, 2019-04-10T18:39:08
Nelo, Moshe, 2019-04-10T18:40:51
Taijj, I don't know what I'm doing!, 2019-04-10T18:46:25
Michael GemoneOo, great stuff, 2019-04-10T18:51:12
Tseries, Subscribe to pewds, 2019-04-10T18:52:42
Niklas glösen, hello yes i am here to have a good time and not anxiety, 2019-04-10T18:54:40
jonathan carroll, i like the font#, 2019-04-10T18:56:08
Conall, Check me out on, TheIrishninjas, 2019-04-10T18:57:11
Quinten, Fourth time at A MAZE, definitely not the last!!!, 2019-04-10T18:57:57
ben wilson, today was windier than i expected, 2019-04-10T19:00:58
Kyo, First thing I did here is writing this... Kinda anxious not being able to see all of the festival. Wish me luck. :-), 2019-04-10T19:05:12
ferran, I hope this one marble will reach far, 2019-04-10T19:06:05
Tman for the win! :) wohoooo :D <3 :* .___., upsie daisie .___:, 2019-04-10T19:07:53
Lewis Raclette, Who´s a good boooooy?, 2019-04-10T19:09:14
Lisa und Chris sitzen aufm Baum - knutschen rum, man glaubt es kaum. <3 gogogo, going for gold, 2019-04-10T19:11:52
Lisa und Chris sitzen aufm Baum - knutschen rum man glaub es kaum, ljköjkölal, 2019-04-10T19:12:47
Baptiste, The best event in Europe - A MAZE, 2019-04-10T19:15:48
pablo, D, 2019-04-10T19:16:41
klara, pes, 2019-04-10T19:17:34
kkk, kljhfjkhne, 2019-04-10T19:18:19
klara aaa, start ted hned, 2019-04-10T19:19:07
kk, llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, 2019-04-10T19:19:24
ahoj, jak to jde, 2019-04-10T19:20:23
jan, wir brauchen weniger toast, 2019-04-10T19:21:17
BadBob, Sashay Away, 2019-04-10T19:23:58
Shantay you Stay, Badbob, 2019-04-10T19:24:51
robtherag, savethesound, 2019-04-10T19:26:06
robtherag, savethesound, 2019-04-10T19:26:47
robtherag, savethegame, 2019-04-10T19:27:35
hello amaye, i like you very much, 2019-04-10T19:30:53
james wood, do marbles dream of glass sheep?, 2019-04-10T19:33:18
james again, no they cannot dream, 2019-04-10T19:34:11
Stef, Something, 2019-04-10T19:37:06
Jagoda, s , 2019-04-10T19:39:13
f ; eed, ddddd, 2019-04-10T19:39:37
mARTA, LOVE AND PIXELS, 2019-04-10T19:40:26
list, Hello world, 2019-04-10T19:41:09
Fede, Mz coolness meter is now OFF SCALE, 2019-04-10T19:44:21
Pawel, lol, 2019-04-10T19:46:01
Florian G, Awesome, 2019-04-10T19:48:15
Francis, I love books., 2019-04-10T19:49:42
Guest, Hi there, 2019-04-10T19:50:39
nejkoulinkatoulinkatejsi, hhhhhhio, 2019-04-10T19:52:06
codz, wow, 2019-04-10T19:54:50
ale, the HORSES game is pretty sick, check it out!, 2019-04-10T19:56:01
John_O_Really, I really do love games, but they also hurt some people..., 2019-04-10T19:59:00
Lewis Gordon, one day the computers will melt X, 2019-04-10T20:01:27
tymus, enjoy your time here ,,,, 2019-04-10T20:02:59
German Piccioni, This is great :), 2019-04-10T20:05:08
rad, ladidadida, 2019-04-10T20:10:19
greggman, love it!, 2019-04-10T20:12:25
~~~~}}}}}., aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!, 2019-04-10T20:15:50
Tabea, Help!, 2019-04-10T20:18:18
bbllaaaaaarrrgggg, nomnomnom, 2019-04-10T20:20:08
vivi, vivi, 2019-04-10T20:21:17
tRisiko, hat mir gut gefalle. nee hat mir wirklich gut gefallen!, 2019-04-10T20:23:29
Thohiedemann, What|s with the hose?, 2019-04-10T20:26:50
is this a pinball machine?\, tha ti smy name\, 2019-04-10T20:27:46
ok again , hello, 2019-04-10T20:27:57
James Coote, Everything is magenta and metal - My two favourite colours (after green), 2019-04-10T20:31:35
Raf, Amaying!, 2019-04-10T20:36:25
Ru, sashay away, 2019-04-10T20:37:44
alicia, spass, 2019-04-10T20:40:23
bridgs, Azla Myers, 2019-04-10T20:41:24
Leon Denise, art, play and party, 2019-04-10T20:42:23
antoine, pourquoi cpas, 2019-04-10T20:43:11
anton, Note, 2019-04-10T20:45:00
Koltes, Come to the Cookie Demoparty!, 2019-04-10T20:46:36
Ahmed Belal , I like food and art , 2019-04-10T20:47:36
Daniel, I think I lost mz marbles, 2019-04-10T20:49:13
, Alex, 2019-04-10T20:49:44
JensD, first Time LOL``, 2019-04-10T20:50:56
Eric, I like cake, 2019-04-10T20:51:50
Ljonja, I am clueless about this game, 2019-04-10T20:52:49
fuck brexit please. plESASEASEESE, Literally before the time we go home please, 2019-04-10T20:54:20
Raymond Vermeulen, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh, 2019-04-10T20:55:46
kl;,\\.333, 9p, 2019-04-10T20:57:11
Shaia La Beuf, JUST DO IT!, 2019-04-10T20:58:08
Lewis Gordon, the clock is ticking..., 2019-04-10T21:02:51
rafael, I just got to A MAZE, 2019-04-10T21:03:54
laureny, that is a american kezboard... the z and y thing zou know, 2019-04-10T21:07:24
gdjksfhkief], asdhkfhklklhsglkhsdlgkh, 2019-04-10T21:07:48
SkyaneDev , Marbles are great fun... salad fingers..., 2019-04-10T21:09:06
davidushek, was here!!!, 2019-04-10T21:09:42
Slavone_One, WHAT UPPA?, 2019-04-10T21:12:38
kleo the creep, aqnother creep, 2019-04-10T21:15:24
yves, orbital bullet 2020 lol, 2019-04-10T21:19:07
Robin, In bino veritas, 2019-04-10T21:20:29
name..., note...., 2019-04-10T21:21:20
Dominik, Pan Krowa tu byl, 2019-04-10T21:24:25
Robot Gentleman, Behind you!!!!, 2019-04-10T21:25:34
kito, toko is a big bubble out of the underground, 2019-04-10T21:27:37
Kilosaurus, Hello from paris, 2019-04-10T21:29:20
vador, nie bierzcie plecakow, 2019-04-10T21:31:05
heinz, the z and y key are switched, 2019-04-10T21:33:05
heinz, y and z key are switched. LAZY!!!, 2019-04-10T21:34:09
Andrew Hynes, Aaahhhh I'm bad at this, thanks, 2019-04-10T21:38:36
Lilith Isa, I miss walking place were people are not rushing past trying to go somewhere more important., 2019-04-10T21:39:40
Ted, Absolutly love the trams/, 2019-04-10T21:41:54
nanna, takk fyrir bodid, tetta lyklabord er skritid. vei leikir!, 2019-04-10T21:44:29
Steven Tu, I guess it rains down in Africa, gonna take some time to do the things you never haaaaaaa aaa aaaaave haaaa aaaad :D, 2019-04-10T21:46:27
Owen, I'm blue da ba dee da ba diiii da be deeee dab a diii dab a dee daba {quietly} diiiiii, 2019-04-10T21:48:11
hey, n, 2019-04-10T21:50:57
mnhmonikon, remember this, 2019-04-10T21:51:35
theories, keep trying, 2019-04-10T21:52:01
Jenny , schueesch marble!!!!, 2019-04-10T21:54:23
God, Hello World., 2019-04-10T21:55:08
Satan, natas natas natas, 2019-04-10T21:55:52
Robin, Mikroinfluencer, Thank you for showing me your project! Wish you the best! , 2019-04-10T21:57:40
Pierre, This is marbleous!, 2019-04-10T22:01:06
hallo this is tristanarkham, is this real life_, 2019-04-10T22:03:38
jakub, persona non grata, 2019-04-10T22:19:17
Joerg Reisig, <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3, 2019-04-10T22:21:37
Josef, Hey how do you do?, 2019-04-10T22:23:20
bobo, test, 2019-04-10T22:24:03
bonerface, bonerface bonerface bonerface AMAYE, 2019-04-10T22:27:04
oda, yoyoyo, 2019-04-10T22:29:43
martin , Moood is fun, 2019-04-10T22:30:59
tino, i wanna trz this game, 2019-04-10T22:32:38
walalwlalalwlwlwlalalal, april is the best fucking game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 2019-04-10T22:34:25
Fleischpeitsche, falls ihr mich auf der ausstellung seht, sprecht mich gern an, oder fasst mir wahlweise wortlos in den Schrittbreich!!!, 2019-04-10T22:36:05
jesse, amaze!!!!!!, 2019-04-10T22:37:48
Dante, Check my inferno novel., 2019-04-10T22:39:33
dean, dean, 2019-04-10T22:50:20
Aaron, Ayiy Ansari made me famous, biatch!, 2019-04-10T22:51:13
Dennis Fucking Lorenz, I LOVE THIS FESTIVAL #LOVE XOXOXOXOX<3 ENTER, 2019-04-10T22:56:47
Jina, YO WHAZZZUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPP, 2019-04-10T22:58:11
Stefan, Guess who|s back, 2019-04-10T22:59:27
Pascal Wagner, Hallo A MAZE! , 2019-04-10T23:06:56
Ria, AMAAAYE!, 2019-04-10T23:11:13
borb, time is but a river full of forgotten bikes., 2019-04-10T23:12:30
simi, First amaze and I|m amaze(d) >P, 2019-04-10T23:23:05
Henry, This is amaz(e)ing, 2019-04-10T23:24:10
Lukas, It was fun as always. Thank you amaze!, 2019-04-10T23:30:04
tomek, hello, 2019-04-10T23:32:47
MitSchoko, Hello Amaze, love to all of ya, 2019-04-10T23:35:21
hello, hello, 2019-04-10T23:36:07
uweioweuweewu\'\, dfhf, 2019-04-10T23:42:38
ssargsggsdgw, egwetgrw, 2019-04-10T23:43:00
david davidson, jesus is a chocolate chip cookie., 2019-04-10T23:51:51
Norrimo, Wish you all an AMaying daz \3, 2019-04-11T11:28:05
Giada, This place looks like a gaz bar it=s a bit confusing, 2019-04-11T12:44:13
George w Bush, George, 2019-04-11T13:55:10
Plqestine, George, 2019-04-11T13:56:05
George, Pardon pour tout deso, 2019-04-11T13:57:01
Gloker, je sens du zgueg, 2019-04-11T13:58:18
pedro zambon, Awesome place and unique event. Hope to see more brazilians as than me in the next editions, 2019-04-11T14:01:04
Lila, Love this shit, 2019-04-11T14:07:26
Gyoergy Droste, Thank you for having us., 2019-04-11T14:16:27
Criss Angel, I am the mindfreak, 2019-04-11T14:17:58
Valle, Guestbooks are so retro, 2019-04-11T14:21:04
yin cheng -kokott, this ist geil, 2019-04-11T15:02:15
MATT, cowabunga cheese freaks, 2019-04-11T15:04:34
Ayla Myers, Homework sucks !, 2019-04-11T15:05:41
Mikkel, Jeg var her sammen med musen, 2019-04-11T15:09:32
Maya, Jeg var her ogsaa, 2019-04-11T15:10:10
Juan, Love, 2019-04-11T15:24:45
heinzelmaennchen, Hallo... ich suche den Pumuckl... ist der hier irgendwo...!!!!1111!!!1$%^*())(*, 2019-04-11T15:26:42
sajun, sajun, 2019-04-11T15:28:05
youngju, hoyoun, 2019-04-11T15:28:45
youngju, youngju, 2019-04-11T15:29:24
HBK Braunschweig, Wir lieben es hier! YEET!, 2019-04-11T15:31:45
Michael, Pretty Marbles, 2019-04-11T15:34:14
fjgfjf, kghkhgkg, 2019-04-11T15:38:51
Justin, What a lovely crazy bunch!!!11, 2019-04-11T15:43:00
trisi, schoene sache hier. weiter so!, 2019-04-11T15:45:36
ood to be here, test, 2019-04-11T15:46:31
Fjuron, Kaboom, 2019-04-11T15:50:14
TEST, TEST, 2019-04-11T15:52:10
GG, GG, 2019-04-11T15:57:08
gg, GG, 2019-04-11T15:57:53
Papapapan, I'm good, how are you?, 2019-04-11T15:59:11
david davidson, good guests are those who invent fantastic keyboards out of crazy marbles that are made out of cat's hairballs., 2019-04-11T16:03:03
Enter Name, Enter note..., 2019-04-11T16:03:44
Just experience, The moment you press enter it shoots in that direction, 2019-04-11T16:04:47
david davidson, this is your password, 2019-04-11T16:06:30
Third Time, I'm just trying to figure out where the ball will go!!!, 2019-04-11T16:08:02
david davidson, yoghurt. , 2019-04-11T16:10:07
no, why?, 2019-04-11T16:10:32
ame, note.., 2019-04-11T16:11:54
fyfhf, htdghdfhdfhf, 2019-04-11T16:12:04
Megazord, hi, 2019-04-11T16:15:03
henri, bonjour, 2019-04-11T16:17:14
baptiste, Another note, 2019-04-11T16:18:28
Henri, CHOOCHOOOOOOO, 2019-04-11T16:18:58
jaz, lkjhgfds, 2019-04-11T16:22:40
Julien, I am very gay, 2019-04-11T16:29:49
THQ Nordic, Shoutout to Mark!, 2019-04-11T16:31:15
noah, im lost but this is cool, 2019-04-11T16:45:44
Katzumi, lol, 2019-04-11T16:47:34
Chris, Hello from London, 2019-04-11T16:52:12
ressie, hangin with the cool kids, 2019-04-11T16:55:20
Alex, Excellente, 2019-04-11T16:58:51
ferran, nice try, 2019-04-11T17:00:21
natalie, man i'm just trying to have a good time. its working. nice. luv u babes xoxo, 2019-04-11T17:04:09
Graveyard Jimmy, Gamers rise up, 2019-04-11T17:06:40
Larry Davis, Ludi delende est, 2019-04-11T17:08:12
marblemadness, semper ludi, 2019-04-11T17:10:20
Chris01982, Hi, nice to meet you all!, 2019-04-11T17:16:27
Jakub, Go ahead plaz, 2019-04-11T17:22:28
Fran, Be happy >), 2019-04-11T17:24:47
Fernando, Amaze rules, 2019-04-11T17:25:45
JJ, heute geil speck party, 2019-04-11T17:37:40
cxraig, a place to be, 2019-04-11T17:51:01
luka, hej, 2019-04-11T17:56:50
luka, hello, 2019-04-11T17:57:09
christoph, liebe, liebe, liebe, 2019-04-11T17:59:18
mibo, nature is a wild thing, 2019-04-11T18:04:04
Lazlo, hi, 2019-04-11T18:15:26
Ian Burnette, :D, 2019-04-11T18:17:07
lurrz text is easy to fix un unit, But that is njust mz opinion, 2019-04-11T18:24:11
marz, :^), 2019-04-11T18:27:15
maye, mazo, 2019-04-11T18:35:27
Matthias Nikutta, Amazing, 2019-04-11T18:35:57
spencererererer, berrrrrlin\, 2019-04-11T18:42:21
Juanca, Me gusta mucho, 2019-04-11T18:44:31
THE ORGANIZERS, After five long years, inspiration hascome to us in the form of concrete shackles. Feel our AMAZeng wrath., 2019-04-11T18:52:38
THE RECEPTION, Haha AMAZEing!!, 2019-04-11T18:55:31
Marvin, I'm simply A.Mazed lmao, 2019-04-12T12:16:14
finefin, I got marble, 2019-04-12T12:34:33
Richard, Hi, 2019-04-12T12:38:16
narl, there are times when we look too close, 2019-04-12T12:47:29
Clabautera, pretty amaying, 2019-04-12T12:56:17
robertyang, what up?????, 2019-04-12T13:28:29
Ruth, keep the fire burning, 2019-04-12T13:31:53
Ed, coolest guz here , 2019-04-12T13:41:43
test, test, 2019-04-12T13:48:35
laechler, sigma, 2019-04-12T13:54:47
mrt, halo, 2019-04-12T13:58:36
monoxyd, Enter at your own risk!, 2019-04-12T13:59:19
Captain Botox, How could it end up like this?, 2019-04-12T14:09:55
Juanca, mucho gusta mucho, 2019-04-12T14:14:21
Jana, Jana, 2019-04-12T14:21:10
Jana, How do you feel in the sight of something you missed out for years-, 2019-04-12T14:23:15
daswars, dddd, 2019-04-12T14:25:28
Grunewald, b, 2019-04-12T14:26:33
Grunewald, b, 2019-04-12T14:27:30
Thomas, by the time you read this, you already read it, 2019-04-12T14:30:29
Viktor, Vodka, 2019-04-12T14:30:54
Julian, i'm a noob, 2019-04-12T14:31:18
megazord, megayort, 2019-04-12T14:42:55
James, Love A Maze, 2019-04-12T14:54:33
Peter, Great Time, 2019-04-12T14:55:39
Peter is a cunt, peter = no , 2019-04-12T14:56:46
Julia, A MAYE is awesome!!!, 2019-04-12T15:10:47
Gibbo, I was here. It was nice., 2019-04-12T15:14:48
Pia <3, Stay Peachy!!, 2019-04-12T15:26:56
gzifuhgfuhgt, göpjkogölkjgg, 2019-04-12T15:30:36
shades, thingy, 2019-04-12T15:32:11
Christian, Berlin, 2019-04-12T15:33:31
elodaii, L love Trasevoldog, 2019-04-12T15:36:42
Remy, AMAZE ROCKS, 2019-04-12T15:37:49
björni, lecker mayo ballern, 2019-04-12T15:48:46
Is anyone else tired_, the tired one, 2019-04-12T16:00:18
LG, what up, 2019-04-12T16:00:39
amaze rocks, lolol, 2019-04-12T16:01:13
Peter, Note, 2019-04-12T16:02:49
Hans, Greetings from Trüberbrook!, 2019-04-12T16:03:48
David, Greetings from Industria!, 2019-04-12T16:04:36
Egg++, Nottrue, 2019-04-12T16:06:40
jn, hbh, 2019-04-12T16:07:32
djedjdjdj, ehdjd, 2019-04-12T16:13:09
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, edhu, 2019-04-12T16:14:02
deandra, oh god where am i, 2019-04-12T16:14:45
Steve Hold, Oh guys, I love you sooo much!!!, 2019-04-12T16:20:52
Kanye, I am a God, 2019-04-12T16:23:23
Zod, Grizzly bears are cute , 2019-04-12T16:24:38
jeremy, hello amaze..., 2019-04-12T16:34:59
Lulu, Hez good looking, 2019-04-12T16:37:08
Briar, Reallz cool place to discover new games!, 2019-04-12T16:46:21
sofakissen, nice, 2019-04-12T16:47:11
emmet again, these qwertz kezboards are messing with mz head, 2019-04-12T16:50:12
nino, love you, 2019-04-12T17:03:00
lucinda, :) :), 2019-04-12T17:05:31
pierrec, everzthing s great, 2019-04-12T17:09:59
Val, Bada Bing Bada Boom!!!, 2019-04-12T17:18:30
Lucas, happy gaming, 2019-04-12T17:19:17
jan, hi, 2019-04-12T17:26:17
Jualian, Funnz event with coool people. THank zou all ^^;, 2019-04-12T17:33:04
verena, amaaaaaazeeeeeee , 2019-04-12T17:35:35
Grace, well i have decided i like to drink tinie fig vodka!!!, 2019-04-12T17:43:40
Eve, Very weird stuff - i love it!!!, 2019-04-12T17:45:16
Seb, Ask about Torpedo cats, 2019-04-12T17:49:02
Der Anwalt, Was auch immer! , 2019-04-12T17:57:38
sebashwa, voll guti, 2019-04-12T17:58:25
annastina elisabeth, curiouser and curiouser!, 2019-04-12T18:05:45
Andrew, Miiixed feelings ÖP, 2019-04-12T18:11:54
lap, needs more fire, 2019-04-12T18:24:15
, , 2019-04-12T18:25:11
a shade, it was fun to wait here, 2019-04-12T19:12:47
Denis K, AMAZing, 2019-04-12T19:14:20
Friedrich Hanisch, Thank you., 2019-04-12T19:17:12
Valeria, hello world, 2019-04-12T19:20:34
Frederik, S4G$Life, 2019-04-12T19:21:45
emelz, emely, 2019-04-12T19:22:31
Ido, What about falafels ?, 2019-04-12T19:26:07
pol, lets grab some beers, 2019-04-12T19:26:51
Anja, Here for the games!, 2019-04-12T19:36:01
kebab, kebab neni pro vsechnz, 2019-04-12T19:43:35
Carlos L. Hernando, Having fuuuuuun!, 2019-04-12T19:51:02
Johannes, Welcome to Berlin! Come visit us at SAFTLADEN, 2019-04-12T19:53:08
johann jakob , I love games , 2019-04-12T19:55:33
Carro, amaze/ing, 2019-04-12T19:56:32
mr bonerbutts, i have always, since i was a child, admired the subtle slither of the lady serpent, 2019-04-12T20:00:20
Leus, butts, 2019-04-12T20:01:18
longus, Longus, 2019-04-12T20:02:41
ll, ll, 2019-04-12T20:03:02
pl, ll, 2019-04-12T20:03:25
f, h, 2019-04-12T20:14:14
Antoooon, YeaaaahhhH!, 2019-04-12T20:20:22
young ferrets looking for mates., other ferret looking for love, 2019-04-12T20:22:03
oink, was here, 2019-04-12T20:23:04
Jack, Henlo, 2019-04-12T20:27:18
Dennis, Hey, 2019-04-12T20:28:17
lisa, i guess a guestbook, 2019-04-12T20:29:43
dr. spaghetti, so bunt yaaaa, 2019-04-12T20:33:08
bastien, viva altagram, 2019-04-12T20:39:34
Julia, First time here and got inspired to create my own creative videogames. Also...not freezing would have been nice :), 2019-04-12T20:42:58
Joschka, Sticky Cats foreeeever!, 2019-04-12T20:43:54
hola, puta madre, 2019-04-12T20:48:02
Xaver, swaggga, 2019-04-12T20:50:52
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, hjehhdjwqhedwqhewjqkehwqjk, 2019-04-12T20:51:57
Jess Windu, Weirdo, 2019-04-12T20:58:16
enter krysz, awesome show, thanks, 2019-04-12T21:21:36
antje, fgklfkgldkg, 2019-04-12T21:31:01
Martijn, cool stuff\, 2019-04-12T21:32:22
liv, gamer rights, 2019-04-12T21:34:14
Dr. What, Im like, so superhappy to be, like, you know, here today, um, so yeah, cool., 2019-04-12T21:40:29
Nichtschwert, This was super rad., 2019-04-12T21:42:50
Nichtschwert, Oh right, I should also mention, you got some prettz amazing games with actual meaning in here. Good choices., 2019-04-12T21:44:44
transcend , _, 2019-04-12T21:46:32
petro, hello world, 2019-04-12T21:54:06
mysterymonkey49, you have to solve the case, 2019-04-12T21:59:08
paul, yaaaaaaaaaaaay, 2019-04-12T22:00:52
cz c cc, this, 2019-04-12T22:03:04
AKI and DK *ADK GAMES , It is to be here! Come to see our Game THE VOICE INSIDE *Open Screens 3-6pm*, 2019-04-12T22:18:10
bequa, ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||, 2019-04-12T22:25:22
Juicefoozle, Thanks for the nioce time, 2019-04-12T22:30:54
boesartig, FTech rocks, 2019-04-12T22:31:35
Anna, Moooove Maarble, 2019-04-12T22:32:34
Robert, i was here., 2019-04-12T22:34:10
I|, I|m great, how are you, 2019-04-12T22:37:49
Mauskino, Amazzzzzzzing, 2019-04-12T22:42:56
dreamy, super, 2019-04-12T22:43:36
Sam, This ain't my thang, 2019-04-12T23:03:57
larissa ] uta, it is amazing, a playground for adults, 2019-04-12T23:07:19
test, test, 2019-04-12T23:08:07
thomas, has fun, 2019-04-12T23:08:56
shit, guestbook soup, 2019-04-12T23:09:48
Ru Paul, Shante you stay!, 2019-04-12T23:20:48
cleuless, ew as if!, 2019-04-12T23:21:28
marie, ok, 2019-04-12T23:23:47
simon, wtf , 2019-04-12T23:25:47
Linni, I like beer! , 2019-04-12T23:30:16
Julian, artist, 2019-04-12T23:35:45
Julian, i loved it, 2019-04-12T23:36:57
wurstu, def message(msg):, 2019-04-12T23:59:11
sophia, huh_, 2019-04-13T00:23:33
i am not here, what, 2019-04-13T00:25:17
FZ, Best award show ewaaa, 2019-04-13T00:26:14
VJ Fader, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!, 2019-04-13T00:30:23
dingus, gamez r kewl, 2019-04-13T11:04:48
m, this is a very cool idea, 2019-04-13T11:05:30
Carlos L. Hernando, I wonder where is everybody, 2019-04-13T12:18:52
Ludipe, Its the last day of amaze already :-(, 2019-04-13T12:26:54
Dr ROCK, So hyped for Atomic Fox Open Mic, 2019-04-13T12:28:08
acab, b;kjb;ku, 2019-04-13T12:28:50
Gonzo, La academia esta muerta, 2019-04-13T12:30:01
Teressa May, We honest developers should separate from the VR Union., 2019-04-13T12:31:07
Carlos, Hi Richard, 2019-04-13T12:31:37
Link, Ha!, 2019-04-13T12:32:06
Atomic Fox, I love how Ludipe moves!!!, 2019-04-13T12:33:08
Antonio, Cats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dogs, 2019-04-13T12:34:46
Atomic Fox, Dr ROCK suczsssssss, 2019-04-13T12:35:19
Dr ROCK, I know you love me, Atomic Fox. Taste the METAAAAAAL!!!!!, 2019-04-13T12:36:59
Carroto, Ask me about Verdungeon!, 2019-04-13T12:38:08
Atomic Fox, Metalheads have no place in here. Come to my dj session tonight. Dr ROCK suczsssssssss, 2019-04-13T12:39:15
Dr ROCK, Atomic Fox, dont be ashamed to share your feelings with us., 2019-04-13T12:41:24
A lonely marble, This game needs a VR MMO Battle Royale mode!!!11!, 2019-04-13T12:44:58
Dr ROCK, Tonite, Atomic Fox is gonna become METAL FOX!, 2019-04-13T12:46:42
Atomic Fox, Tenacious D sucks (I know you can read this Dr ROCK), 2019-04-13T12:47:41
Luis Quintáns , paga la coca, 2019-04-13T12:53:23
Carlos, I feel you, Daniel. Take my marble., 2019-04-13T12:54:35
Anonymous Dev, if you get to the final room you get funding for your project!, 2019-04-13T12:55:48
quintáns , I love playing axiom verge with my ill son , 2019-04-13T12:57:59
Luis, Atomic Fox is so fucking cool, 2019-04-13T12:59:47
Ludipe, I need a speaker!!!!!! Or two!!!! For Atomic Fox and Dr ROCK and!!!! SAVE THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!, 2019-04-13T13:03:19
Cake, I like you, Eric, 2019-04-13T13:04:25
Ludipe, Seriously, get me a speaker for the DJ thing. Ping me on twitter or something. We need that FUCKING SPEAKER. LONG LIVE ATOMIC FOX., 2019-04-13T13:05:17
Alex, heyho nice to meet you, 2019-04-13T13:15:42
Klim, hello world, 2019-04-13T13:18:49
sasssss, Hez great here , 2019-04-13T13:29:03
k, kris, 2019-04-13T13:29:41
Chris, Hello, 2019-04-13T13:37:09
Flutyi, great , 2019-04-13T13:40:50
kai, das, 2019-04-13T13:41:27
ghfdsh, vbcx, 2019-04-13T13:42:09
cxybgxy, bycxbcxy, 2019-04-13T13:42:22
a maze. is the best i've ever experienced. , Storno, 2019-04-13T13:52:49
ola, ola, 2019-04-13T14:07:35
Cyrill, First time being here, and its awesome! Till next year! Keep it up!, 2019-04-13T14:14:24
tim, njok, 2019-04-13T14:25:31
Arduino, Enter note..., 2019-04-13T14:31:25
None, None, 2019-04-13T14:32:01
None, This is mz note blablabla, 2019-04-13T14:34:14
I love books, Francis, 2019-04-13T14:34:47
Jillian, Meow, 2019-04-13T14:45:57
Klaus, was here, 2019-04-13T14:51:11
the_fago - add on snapchat :* deeceeee, Stone, 2019-04-13T15:09:44
stefanolo, huhu, 2019-04-13T15:15:07
jkljklj, lkjjlj, 2019-04-13T15:15:44
Stefan P. Hoffmann, Great Marbles, great Amaze!, 2019-04-13T15:16:24
fuck, u.n.v.s.u. BFC 10 mal deutscher Meister, 2019-04-13T15:22:30
ddr, tzttzuuh, 2019-04-13T15:23:59
bfc, bbb, 2019-04-13T15:24:50
Johannes Knop, Unite, 2019-04-13T15:49:49
poopie, ol, 2019-04-13T15:51:22
ok, zes, 2019-04-13T15:57:43
manu, f, 2019-04-13T15:58:56
jan, hallihallo, 2019-04-13T16:00:28
Robb, Hallo Wel!! <blink>test</blink>, 2019-04-13T16:02:05
Jon Doe, 9999999999999, 2019-04-13T16:02:59
What is happening?!, I don't even..., 2019-04-13T16:14:40
Walküre, Wo bekommt man in Berlin einen Göffel?, 2019-04-13T16:16:32
lalla, <3, 2019-04-13T16:18:20
bubez, i cant stop thinking of Squeaky :(, 2019-04-13T16:20:10
Soenke, So grat to be here again and again and again... :-D, 2019-04-13T16:23:06
Ds, Ds, 2019-04-13T16:24:14
blerta, sijenimire, 2019-04-13T16:25:07
alwin, 111, 2019-04-13T16:26:52
237777728/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////rffffffffff///54q1n434, h , 2019-04-13T16:27:25
Carla, das f'ngt ja gut an, 2019-04-13T16:32:30
Timster, Games are full of creativity. , 2019-04-13T16:37:38
zichy, hi leute addet mich auf steam, 2019-04-13T16:39:56
LX, noice, 2019-04-13T16:43:08
no no no, uhmmm juuuummm hahaha, 2019-04-13T16:44:32
THe cookie monster, omnomnom, 2019-04-13T16:45:56
Flo, WASSUP! new here in berlin, play my webvr game , 2019-04-13T16:54:14
m, ontogeny recapitulates philogeny, 2019-04-13T16:59:01
paolotamag, amazzzzzzzzing, 2019-04-13T17:01:17
, elksadf, 2019-04-13T17:01:54
gREETINGs hUMANs, ever since I was a child, I have wondered about the mysteries of the universe..., 2019-04-13T17:06:05
MoinMoin, Moinmoin, 2019-04-13T17:07:15
, HAllo , 2019-04-13T17:09:21
merhhhhhhrr, rgrsag, 2019-04-13T17:10:07
yujd fg yu]]\, fgg, 2019-04-13T17:11:01
Ilkka Jarsta, Nice!, 2019-04-13T17:17:26
lukesag, tsagsasluc, 2019-04-13T17:25:05
uke caish sadek, prout, 2019-04-13T17:25:38
tolke, I had a great time. The new location is cool, too., 2019-04-13T17:32:40
hello, hello, 2019-04-13T17:50:31
m, moung, 2019-04-13T17:51:35
MORTEN, HAISAN, 2019-04-13T17:52:29
TST, WIN, 2019-04-13T17:53:14
Pedes, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!, 2019-04-13T18:07:47
rbk, meow, 2019-04-13T18:14:28
mrv, foobar, 2019-04-13T18:16:46
louise, hallo amaze, 2019-04-13T18:27:50
giachi, m aannnn was crazyyy sooo musch fannn love it see o, 2019-04-13T18:29:06
Patrick, Wein auf Bier, das lob ich mir. Bier auf Wein, das lob ich mir., 2019-04-13T18:30:29
Marius, im pretty high rn but this place is dope, 2019-04-13T18:31:36
Meike, i think im too cool to write anything so my boyfriend wrote this, 2019-04-13T18:33:07
leo, i want to see the marble, 2019-04-13T18:34:46
leo, more crazy please, 2019-04-13T18:35:30
miek, I was at amaze, 2019-04-13T18:36:58
gDave, weird, 2019-04-13T18:44:10
Robb, See you next year, 2019-04-13T18:46:24
Riho, Hallo aus Japan, 2019-04-13T18:47:41
Jan, Amaze fuer immer, 2019-04-13T18:48:34
Konstantin , hi, I like zou., 2019-04-13T19:00:04
hui, privet hui, 2019-04-13T19:01:50
gaping void, it is looming a head, 2019-04-13T19:07:27
a1k3, was crazy ! enjoyed it a lot and met some nice people ! , 2019-04-13T19:18:48
mARIE, INSPIRING, 2019-04-13T19:19:48
Isa, Hi :), 2019-04-13T19:37:53
Freddy, Get fucked, 2019-04-13T19:43:52
Josh Murphy, You all can get fucked, 2019-04-13T19:44:27
Levi, asdfgth, 2019-04-13T19:46:50
viki, hello:), 2019-04-13T19:50:16
n , gfjkhf,hg, 2019-04-13T19:51:20
F1A5C0, Thank you for another Amazing Amae. I waited thge whole year for this and will get the ticket for Amaze 2020 the moment it is avaliable. You rock!!!, 2019-04-13T20:15:21
blahblah, this is mz entrz, 2019-04-13T20:19:52
georgebatch, dogs r people 2, 2019-04-13T20:25:10
ErrorAlpaka, Bläerghghä i love you all , 2019-04-13T20:36:25
Evilschnuff, This is a triumph., 2019-04-13T20:37:24
Sonja, blubb, 2019-04-13T20:37:56
Ria, Read our Zine, 2019-04-13T20:44:01
Pablosaur, ROAARARRR, 2019-04-13T20:44:50
Friedrich, Nobody likes Michael, 2019-04-13T20:45:40
BARBOTAURUS, SO tired. Don't ask., 2019-04-13T20:46:35
wasdswag, i#m turtle, 2019-04-13T20:47:54
igrat, how did i get here, 2019-04-13T20:58:56
l ella & pauline, my eyes are squary, 2019-04-13T21:33:29
toni, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3, 2019-04-13T21:37:01
toni, <3<3<3<3<3<3, 2019-04-13T21:37:44
arble, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc-:, 2019-04-13T21:38:45
pETERbRUNOsVEN, hi, haloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, 2019-04-13T21:40:20
player1, best note ever, 2019-04-13T21:40:46
philipp, haha, 2019-04-13T21:42:11
b v bv, jf, 2019-04-13T22:02:46
klondike, klondike, 2019-04-13T22:04:24
Davide, WTF!!, 2019-04-13T22:13:15
Steven , I dont like this shit, 2019-04-13T22:14:14
Theresius, I love you all (mostly, I think). Even Dottore, 2019-04-13T22:20:16
alex, what note, 2019-04-13T22:27:27
sophie , mz butt is itchy, 2019-04-13T22:29:25
Doo, note#, 2019-04-13T22:30:26
penis, more penis, 2019-04-13T22:31:03
peter enis, no, 2019-04-13T22:31:29
simon, i can't feel my legs, 2019-04-13T22:39:08
zzz6777777777777777777usa976666h77777nu77h6777h666hhzzxsssyyyyy011000111000110110110´1001, hegutzi mi nam es milan i komm fon weite her, 2019-04-13T22:44:13
fu, u piece of shit, 2019-04-13T22:44:41
ruetzi from gottingi. desch is desch rapunzeli. pfirti, rapunzeli. gruezi wir kommens von der 7 bergeli. gruezti, 2019-04-13T22:46:45
Mafdrrffrcindrd, marcirfiffifginnnn, 2019-04-13T22:51:58
yofia, Amayyyyyy sup, 2019-04-13T22:52:49
Marcin, Cowabunga!, 2019-04-13T22:53:47
Gal Anonim, Do or do not there is no try, 2019-04-13T22:54:37
bingham, grüß nico schön, 2019-04-13T22:59:02
hylynyiv, GAMEZ!!!!, 2019-04-13T23:00:25
Diego, And here we are., 2019-04-13T23:02:04
Hi guys, cool new location, where are all the ALTERNATIVE controllers expo?! He he, Hugs and kisses, 2019-04-13T23:14:20
Khello, my name is Pfladi, How crazy is crazy? Whats your favorite colour? Mine is RED!, 2019-04-13T23:15:54
AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAA A reckless diregard of gravity, Stay cool - Stay Ninja, 2019-04-13T23:17:03
bo, 1, 2019-04-13T23:17:45
love. amaze. again. denise, Very fun :D, 2019-04-13T23:39:09
Maik, I'm here the 4th time and it's getting better and better each time :D keep on doing what you're doing <3, 2019-04-13T23:40:59
Creator, test, 2019-04-13T23:47:38
kkk, kkk, 2019-04-13T23:56:42
dazariath, go crazy go stupid, 2019-04-14T00:07:42
wddwadwa, follow me on twitter dazariath, 2019-04-14T00:08:30